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The Neo Kids gives young, active and adventurous feet everything they need to thrive. They're flexible, lightweight and puncture-resistant and perfect for letting your kids run wild. Built for kids who love the playground, the durable kick guard, non-marking sole and velcro straps will keep their busy feet running riot until dinner time.
Designed to let developing feet thrive as if they were barefoot, the Neo Kids stays true to the principles of Pure Barefoot Technology to ensure your kid’s feet become strong and healthy. The flexible, multi-terrain sole works well on smooth playgrounds as well as muddy fields so the Great Toe will be able to engage rapidly, whatever the terrain. The foot will be able to flex in the durable, breathable and supple upper that allows for independent rear and fore-foot movement.
Wherever their feet take them; from bedroom spaceships to sloshing in mud rivers and climbing trees, give your kids feet a great start in life. Let them run free, as nature intended.