We are located at 954 Dominion Rd Mt Roskill 1041 Auckland
Got an enquiry or need support? Call us on 09 620 0357
The CX 2000 is the stick teens will love. Its sleek finish, balance and power are ideal for junior players. The basic construction of the CX 2000 is based on Fiberglass-Carbon Matrix and the emphasis is laid on balance. The future skills of the player are going to evolve in this age so it is only wise to give them the stick that can be a good stepping stone. RAGE CX 2000 will give the young stars the natural feel and general dynamics to build their game on.
Free Custom Hockey Fitting Service
Head Shape- Maxi, Bend- 18mm, Bend Position-Mid Point, Special Add-Ons: PU-NC Wrap, SF Value 5