We are located at 954 Dominion Rd Mt Roskill 1041 Auckland
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As we approach one decade it is a time to reflect. Back in the 70’s India where making many cricket bats mostly for their local market. Most bats for worldwide use where predominantly made in the UK. Indian made bats weren’t globally accepted. Along came the famous Rhino. A symbol of India’s strength & knowledge to make some of the best cricket bats in the world. India has now become the world’s largest cricket bat manufacture in the world.
We started off not been accepted by local wholesalers who feared that we would take business of the established stores. This is still the case & those fears have come to light despite every effort to stop us in our tracks.
Like the Rhino we are strong and here to stay. The Rhino range is a celebration of our 10 years and all the things we have overcome. We hope you continue to support us & help spread the word. Sports First is here to stay.