We are located at 954 Dominion Rd Mt Roskill 1041 Auckland
Got an enquiry or need support? Call us on 09 620 0357
Note: All the CR series sticks have the same mould and compositional specifications.
The CR Series sticks are here to jolt you out of the drudgery of ordinary sticks. With our vintage mid-bow profile coupled with a Maxi-2 headshape this stick is going to give you the definitive edge. The reinforcement specifications and the overall structure are designed to allow speed and hard hitting power to the player. With extra Kevlar protection the stick is abrasion resistant and protected against backhand strokes.
Free Custom Hockey Fitting Service
Head Shape- Maxi-2, Bend- 24.8mm, Bend Position Mid-Bow Special Add-Ons: CR-39, Omega 315 Core, Vibration Dampening, AHIS, PU-NC Wrap, SF Value 15